Pavlov Hospital of Moscow
COVID-19 telemedicine system

In March 2020, the whole world faced the COVID-19 Pandemic. The health care systems of all countries and cities turned out to be maximally overloaded. Lockdowns were announced everywhere, and hospitals were overflowing with seriously ill patients with an unknown disease. In such a catastrophic situation, the health care system of the city of Moscow needed new tools and ways to provide medical care. It was necessary to urgently organize the simultaneous work of all medical personnel, regardless of the distance, and to avoid direct contact with infected people as much as possible.

The Pavlov hospital (City hospital #4) in Moscow has become one of the covid hospitals. The hospital is in several buildings, and doctors spent a lot of time moving and unnecessary sanitization. The head doctor of the hospital turned to our company for help with a request to find a solution to this problem.


Our company responded to the call and within two weeks created an internal telemedicine network in the hospital, which connected the buildings and doctors of the hospital.
Telemedicine kits SM-TM2 «Consultation» were installed in the admission department, in the «green zone», and in the staff's rooms in the closed «red zone». Thanks to them, the doctors of the emergency department were able to connect via videoconferencing doctors from the red zone and the intensive care unit, and quickly decide on the routing of severe patients, quickly carry out detailed diagnostics of those arriving by ambulance.
In one of the operating rooms, a telemedicine kit SM-TM3 «Diagnostics» was installed with a connection to the endoscopic stand of Carl Storz. This made it possible, even in pandemic mode, to carry out the necessary operations for patients with gastrointestinal complications and not put some of the staff at risk.
The SM-TM4 «Concilium» telemedicine kit was installed at the hospital management headquarters, thanks to which the head physician of the hospital and the administration were able to remotely hold meetings, be constantly in touch with all departments of the hospital and the City Headquarters.
For all these kits to work as a single whole, our medical communication platform SmartConnect was deployed on servers in the cloud with integration with the cloud service for storage and analysis of medical images SmartPACS.


Thanks to the creation of a telemedicine network inside the hospital, doctors have received a modern tool for a coordinated, fast, and effective fight against coronavirus, taking into account the necessary restrictions on movement and social distance. This project laid the foundation for the use of telemedicine not only in the outpatient department, but also in the clinical practice of hospitals.

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